Saturday, June 07, 2008

Summer incoming

Update on summer movie-going : Indiana Jones seems to be falling behind after its monster opening weekend, I doubt it'll pass Iron Man. Saw "Narnia", which I thought was quite good - nearly as good as the first one, if not as fresh and smoothly-paced. Bonnie tooke me to the midnight screening of "Sex and the City", which I have to say was a disappointment. MINOR SPOILERS : the quality of craft was there as in the series, but the brutal dragging out of the relationships, the too-obvious symbolism of one relationship vs. another, and the too-neat resolution of the forgiveness and men-save-the-day for the women just left a bad taste... Kung Fu Panda was acutally pretty good, one of the strongest DreamWorks efforts ever, and very funny all through. Planning on seeing "The Fall" this weekend, too.
Our neighbor Diane had a summer party this Saturday, to celebrate her getting into UC Berkeley, and getting a job there. Nice group of folks - she kep saying how it was 'worlds colliding' of old friends, and work friends. One friend happened to be a pastry chef at a upper-classy restaurant in Lafayette, he brought an awesome trifle to to the party. Congrats, Diane!
Watched the Australian-indie Heath Ledger movie, "Candy", about... self-destructive drug-adled lifestyle. Art oddly imitating life. I take it back about 'Indiana Jones' or 'Iron Man' being the biggest movie of the year, I think it'll be "Dark Knight"...
Colossal Inertia put on our showcase event last Friday, went great. We added 3 songs from our San Jose set, much tighter, ran through our new PA. Only about 20-25 friends made it out, but it was a good experience for us, and a lot of fun. Still haven't posted clips from the last show on U Tube, but soon. If anyone wants a copy of the full DVD, drop me a line and I can send it out.
The vocal class finished up (5 weeks, they offered an add'l 6th week, but then cancelled the day-of). But I've been applying the lessons learned in my songs, and singing along with other tracks, and I do notice a difference. Less throaty, more able to hit the high notes. Don't have the same power, yet, but I heard it comes with practice.
Screenwriting class is looking promising. Our 'semester' project was a collaborative effort (6 writers), with a hodgepodge of characters from other's scripts, set in an animation company. It's come together in a very satisfying, and rather amazing way so far. They've arranged to have a table read of the complete draft in a few weeks. Exciting to have a writing outlet and a goal, like that.
Plans for the big event are moving full steam ahead. Arranging rentals, catering, last minute stuff.
More later!


Blogger Becki said...

Glad to see your review of Kung Fu Panda - I think I want to see that more than SATC anyway..

And I don't think you got our card by June 6, but we'll be at the big event! :)

6:06 PM  

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