Thursday, May 03, 2007

Green Beast

We got a crew screening of a certain green cartoon 'part 3' tonight at a megaplex in SF. I think I'm contractually obligated to not disparage the movie, plus I then jeopardize my stake in any BoxOffice bonus money, but let me divulge two revelations I had that night, take them as you will. 1) My tolerance for alcohol is far greater than I believed, and 2) I should've had more to drink going into the theater. Three cocktails beforehand (on an empty stomach) and a paper bag full of tiny bottles snuck into the theater wasn't enough to buffer sitting through this movie. Granted, I was too close to it, still carried too many fresh scars, and hadn't had enough to drink. And at the base level, watching it still felt like I was sitting through dailies (I expected the art director to pipe up with notes). Technically-wise, I swear to zeus the print/projection was waaay too dark and contrasty. (It made me cringe through the first 20 minutes of movie, but then I concluded - "Hey, if the real audience presentation is this dark and weird-looking, maybe that will make it more distinctive.") Humor-wise/script-wise, I was sitting in a room full of people who had been watching the same jokes for a year or more, so they only laughed at the bits which they were surprised had made the final cut, saw which of the best, edgiest gags had been made a casualty (most of them). And incidentally, it was not really the final cut - the producers joked about making the editors go back to work the next day (the movie offically opens May 18). Which, again, is a wider joke, in that this screening and premier party was hosted on a Thursday, and we are all expected to go back to work on Friday. (Haha, the joke's on you.)
All of which contributes to the argument that I am neither legally eligible nor newsically competent to make an unofficial, advance review of ______ Part 3. And I'm carrying a lot of baggage. Let me just say, "Good luck."


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